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In his intimate portraits and stories, deaf photographer Stephen Iliffe shares a vital message: with the right support, deaf people can do anything.

Since its 2020 launch, the Deaf Mosaic online gallery has enjoyed 28,706 visitors from 139 countries.

It has exhibited at high-profile venues such as OXO Gallery and Kings Cross N1C. And gained national media coverage on BBC News and Sky News.

Stephen’s work has been funded by Arts Council England and shown at London’s National Portrait Gallery. He has won three national photography awards.

He has also collaborated with the Barbados and Uzbekistan deaf communities, bringing an international dimension to his work.


In May, Stephen will collaborate with Husniddin Ato of Press Photo UZ to deliver training workshops to young deaf photographers in Uzbekistan. This is also a wonderful opportunity to build closer links between our respective deaf communities. See here for blog updates:


Stephen Iliffe grew up the only deaf kid at his mainstream school. He had no deaf adult role models to look up to. This fuels his drive to photograph deaf people from all walks of life and widely share their stories.


Stephen’s portraits range from female vicar to Muslim kickboxer, deaf-blind athlete to fairground traveller, charity leader to fashion model. Each has their own story to share with us.


Deaf Mosaic brings deaf community stories into mainstream spaces with thought-provoking exhibitions at high-profile venues. Subject to funds, Deaf Mosaic is open to proposals to exhibit around the UK.


As an inspirational public speaker, Stephen also gives talks to a wide range of audiences - from global corporations to public services to local deaf centres.


Deaf Mosaic has featured several times

on national media - from Sky TV News to BBC TV to The Independent - using portraits and stories to raise deaf awareness.


“These photos are a gorgeous portrait of a diverse community of intertwining lives, experiences and journeys. For deaf children growing up today, they can look to this mosaic and see huge future possibilities.”


As a writer, Stephen uses thought-provoking blogs to explore a range of topical issues around photography and deaf people. Read on!


Thank you for visiting the Deaf Mosaic project. Your feedback or questions are warmly welcomed. Stephen usually acknowledges all contact within 24 hours.


In this Sky News TV item, Stephen explains to news presenter Anna Jones, the story behind Deaf Mosaic.


Deaf Mosaic has also featured on BBC TV South East news where Stephen shares some vital messages for the general public.

Why not join the Deaf Mosaic Facebook page for regular updates as we will add further photographs and stories in the coming weeks and months. Or, you can join the Deaf Mosaic Instagram page.

All feedback and queries are warmly welcomed via the Contact page.